Y.E.S. Youth Energized in the Spirit Youth Group
Encourages students to explore their faith through relationships, experiences, and prayer. Open to youth grades 7-12, Y.E.S. focuses on topics important to today’s youth and challenges them to live their everyday lives by Gospel values. The group meets on Sunday evenings, participates in service projects, and hosts social activities throughout the year. Regular, active participants, 16 years of age or older, are invited to apply for the yearly service mission trip held in June.
Connect with your College's Catholic Campus Ministry
Going away to college for the first time can be difficult and, without community, it may be more challenging to continue practicing your faith on campus. We invite recent high school graduates and current college students to search for their school's Catholic campus ministry. Newman Ministry has created a searchable database where college students can enter their college's name and they will be able to access information about their school's campus ministry including contact information and sacrament schedules. Go to newmanministry.com to see what your school offers.
Questions? Contact Frank Babinchock, Parish Youth Minister, (609) 654-8208 x111 [email protected]
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