A wonderful morning Mass with our retreat master, Fr. Bill Garrott, O.P.! Fr. Bill will be celebrating the 9:00 a.m. Masses at SML Church the next two days (Tuesday and Wednesday) as well, followed by confession. The mission starts tonight! Can’t wait! Fr. Bill will be leading the Rosary at 6:40 p.m. Each evening with the mission starting at 7:00 p.m. Each morning and evening after Mass and the evening message, Fr. Bill will be hearing confessions. This evening the topic is: iMercy:The Father Blesses. Tonight’s Scripture verse is Luke 12:29-32. Fr. Bill will be blessing participants with the Oil of St. Joseph. If you have a loved one who can’t attend, bring a picture. Hope to see you there! The mission talks are good for anyone 2nd Grade and older!